“ The Turkic languages are a homogeneous group of about 20 languages, which are for the most part mutually intelligible. The most important, of course, is Turkish, which accounts for about 40 percent of all Turkic speakers. ”3 ça? süresince talep toplayacak ?irket toplamda 44.200.000 TL nominal maliyetli paylar 30 TL m?hl? fiyattan sat?lacak
Küçük Türkiye Hakkında Gerçekler Bilinen.
Türkiye'nin 'K?rm?z? Eser'? güncelleniyorDevletin "mahrem anayasas?" olarak nitelendirilen ve kamuoyunda "K?rm?z? Eser" olarak adland?r?lan Ulusal Emniyet Siyaseti Belgesinin güncellenmesine müteveccih çk?rm?z???ma ba?lat?ld?.The northern folded zone comprises a series of mountain ridges, increasing in elevation toward the east, that occupy a